Buy this shirt: MJ, on the Kansas City Royals 2023 spring training vintage shirt What’s more,I will buy this other hand, never had to do this. His scoring numbers are even more impressive than Wilt’s when adjusting for possessions and shots taken. Wilt did average 50 points per game in 1961–62, but he took 39.5 shots a game. Do you seriously think that MJ wouldn’t average 50 too if he took that many shots? MJ already averaged 37.1 points per game in 86–87 while only taking 27.8 shots per game. He would clearly have averaged 50 points per game if he took as many shots as Wilt did. Not to mention, this would be even more impressive than Wilt’s season due to the inflated number of possessions. When we look at TS%, MJ was more efficient than Wilt was in their primes. MJ was, by every metric, the most dominant scorer that the league has ever seen. Wilt is up there too, but MJ is on a different level. On defense, it’s tough to determine who was better. Wilt was an extremely dominant defender, but anyone would take Bill Russell on that side of the Kansas City Royals 2023 spring training vintage shirt What’s more,I will buy this floor over him. MJ, on the other hand, was the best guard defender in the league along with Scottie Pippen. Both were equally dominant in this department considering the different responsibilites that they had to take on. This was all only about the regular season, by the way. When it comes to the post-season, Jordan was eons more dominant and consistent than Wilt ever was in his prime. The truth is that Wilt did have his chances against the Celtics, but he consistently came up short. This wasn’t always his fault, but is was for quite a large portion of the time. Home:
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Bill Russell didn’t impact the Los Angeles Angels tiny turnip 2023 spring training shirt Additionally,I will love this sport itself, but I believe he had a bigger impact on the league’s popularity compared to Wilt at the time, as Bill was kinda the gentle giant much like Mikan, but Wilt was the unstoppable guy people wanted to stop and wanted to dislike. Look, I understand MJ is an incredibly great player. I’m not trying to argue he’s not a great player. I just can’t see MJ’s impact as far as rule changes goes. One thing we can’t deny though is his impact of the sport’s popularity and the league’s success. MJ was the ultimate winning formula. Ultimate college player with ultimate competitiveness, athleticism and attitude. In Australia where I live, basketball wasn’t even a sport for boys until Michael reached world-wide prominence and got every kid shooting hoops in their driveway.
Tons of the Los Angeles Angels tiny turnip 2023 spring training shirt Additionally,I will love this inner-city schools had basketball teams, but boys never signed up and was mainly a sport played by girls. Not to mention, finding a hoop nearby was impossible. In Wilt’s prime from 1960 to 1969, he won 7 scoring titles in a row, 1 assist title, and 8 rebounding titles. He also won 4 MVPs, and one championship ring. He lost 2 finals during this period despite being favored in atleast of those. In MJ’s prime from 1987 to 1998 (with a two year break from 1994 to 1995), he won 10 straight scoring titles, 5 MVPs, 6 championships, and 6 FMVPs. I’m not bringing up DPOY or defensive stat titles because those weren’t tracked in Wilt’s day. Even without this, MJ clearly had the more decorated prime. On offense, MJ was more dominant than Wilt. Yeah, Wilt averaged slightly more points, but he played in an era with 30 more possessions per game. Wilt even had to slow down on his volume scoring because it was counter-productive to team success.
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