Rainbowt-shirt - Kiss 50 years 1973 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt
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Through history,we know that Thai or Siamese people and malay already have been in contact mainland asia for centuries, via Trade, marriage and conquest. Therefore, the Kiss 50 years 1973 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt Furthermore, I will do this similarities also must be there,even it seems little. About language, i did not know much about the similarities between standard Thai and standard malay , i believed the similarities probably really really hard to guess. But since you said malay languages, i assume you also want to know about the malay dialects too. For that,yes you can find a few similarities especially in vocabs. Especially for Kedahan, and east coast malay (Kelantanese, Terengganuan, and Pahangite) , yes there are certain similarities with Siamese , i would say. Example, in Siamese language, an energy or force is called Reang, if i’m not wrong. In kelantanese malay it is Re/reng, in terengganuan is Reng ,meanwhile in Pahangite is Rey/ray. You don’t find those word in standard malay, it does not exist. Talking about similarities, more cognates can be found if we take Southern thai dialect or Paktai into account, rather than the standard Thai. For kedahan Malay i don’t really remember about the similarities, but if there is then it would more close to Paktai than the standard Thai.
The other similarities between Thai and these Malay languages are , Kedahan, Kelantanese,Terengganuan and Pahangite all have strong and thick nasalization, unique Phonologies and monosyllabic sound, unlike standard malay. It’s related to languages like Lao (partly mutually intelligible, but uses a different alphabet), Zhuang (spoken in Southern China, not intelligible, because Zhuang uses lots of Chinese loanwords), Dai language of China, Shan spoken in Eastern Myanmar and many other small minority languages in South East Asia. South East Asia (including Yunnan province of China) in general is a linguistically rich region, so you can find plenty of languages there. Thai people are generally favor Chinese and China and one of the Kiss 50 years 1973 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt Furthermore, I will do this country that most friendly to chinese people but there are some complicate issues about this deep down in it.
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